
Access protocol
In order to get access to the station and carry out research activities it is necessary to follow these steps:
• Filling the PASS (Surveillance and Security Activity Plan) containing all the information regarding the activities that will be carried out. The completed PASS must be signed by your director (or delegate) and sent to the Station Manager for the risk assessment. After that, you may proceed with the the medical checks.
Medical checks for the Arctic according to the CNR protocol: the CNR occupational doctors have defined a medical protocol for access to the base. Visits must be carried out a maximum of 3 months before departure and are valid for 1 year. The result of the doctor's final assessments and his opinion (consent/denial) to participate in the expedition need to be provided in written form.
First level first aid course. The CNR organizes first aid courses on a regular basis with particular emphasis on problems that may occur in remote areas. Similar training is required for staff of universities and other institutions, to be demonstrated through a certificate issued by the competent authority.
All research staff (researchers, technicians, students) must complete the PASS, undergo medical examinations and follow a first level first aid course, including staff from universities and other bodies, both Italian and foreign.
Download the documentation using the following links:
Access and conduct manual (IT - EN) - Presa visione/Having read
Medical protocol (IT - EN) - Clarifications
PASS (Surveillance And Security Activity Plan)  (IT - EN)
Rifle rental  (IT/EN)
Safety in Svalbard (EN)
Procedures for the use of radio frequencies in Ny-Ålesund
Ny-Ålesund is a radio silence area. Use of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is also forbidden. If your experiment necessarily requires the use of these (and other) wireless communication technologies, please consult the following link for information on the procedure to follow.
Please forward both filled forms (for NKOM and for Nysmac) to the station leader email address (stationleader.arctic at